6Cun  BG5 Cycles Certification Class Square
Institute:BG5 Business Institute
BG5 Career and Business Cycles Certification

Online Course
Starting May 11, 2020 with Karen Sherwood
Monday's at 10:00 a.m. Pacific / 17:00 GMT


BG5 Career and Business Cycles Certification
Prerequisite – BG5 Certification – Semester 3
Upon completion of this one semester program you will become certified to offer BG5 Career and Business Cycle Sessions to your client to empower them to successfully navigate the natural cycles of their careers, businesses and life.

Just like life – our careers, work and businesses also have natural rhythms and cycles. From starting our careers; to changing positions, jobs or professions; to retirement. From starting a business; to seeing it flourish; to closing the doors, selling it or passing it along to the next generation.

Knowing how the cycles affect, change and flow through our lives in terms of our career or business can help us…
*  Let go and move forward when a cycle has completed.
* Support and empower others in times of transition to give direction, guidance & understanding.
* Recognize daily, yearly and broader cycle themes to take advantage the frequency
* Understand how broader cycles affect our career or business role at certain times of our life.
* Gain a deeper insight into the Life Aspects of our BG5 Career Design.
* Naturally relax into the flow of the cycles that affect our of our career, business and life purpose.

Class 1 – Introduction to Cycles
Class 2 – The Life Aspects of our BG5 Career Design
Class 3 – The Global Cycle and the Times we are in
Class 4 – The Daily Frequency and Monthly Cycle
Class 5 – The Personal Yearly Cycle
Class 6 – The 30 Year Milestone (1st Saturn Return)
Class 7 – The 40 Year Milestone (Uranus Opposition)
Class 8 – The 50 Year Milestone (Kiron Return)
Class 9 – The 60 Year Milestone (2nd Saturn Return)
Class 10 – Wrap-up

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