I0KF  SS Relating 5th Line Child
Relating with the 5th line Heretic Child

This series of lectures is designed for anyone who has an interest in the well-being of children.

Includes Audio files and Image slides.


Not just for parents, this series of lectures is designed for anyone who has an interest in the well-being of children. Each lecture will target a specific role by line, covering both body and personality aspects.

This lecture also discusses personal and transpersonal destiny, adult-child relationships, and provide practical and simple ways in which Human Design can support and nurture our children.

To Listen to the Class Recording:

This file may not play as a recorded class. In order to access the classes please access these files:

  • Presentation file (this is the MP3 file for the audio)
  • img file (for these you will want to EXTRACT ALL the images) then you can click on them and advance them manually.

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