aqIu  SS Your Story Around The Wheel
Your Story Around the Wheel

Exploring your own story using profile and the Rave I’Ching.

Includes Audio files and Image slides.


Many years ago, Ra Uru Hu mentioned that this was a revealing exercise for anyone who wanted to see their unique story. A few years later Mary Ann began to explore her story using her profile and the Rave I’Ching.  She was in direct contact with Ra about how to do this and had his guidance and feedback via email.

Mary Ann will verbally and visually explain how you can write your own story according to your profile, and do your own exploration. She will share the guidance from Ra and will give some examples according to type. She will also give each participant the exploration that she did for her own design which can be used as an example.

This is a deep process to embark on. This workshop will give you the pattern and the tools that you will need to proceed in your own self-study exercise after the workshop.

Please note that you will need "The Rave I'Ching" when you do your personal exploration after the workshop.

Exploring your own story using profile and the Rave I’Ching.

To Listen to the Class Recording:

This file may not play as a recorded class. In order to access the classes please access these files:

  • Presentation file (this is the MP3 file for the audio)
  • img file (for these you will want to EXTRACT ALL the images) then you can click on them and advance them manually.

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