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The course includes 8 x 90 min online classes
and over 5 hrs of pre-recorded lessons.
Click the button above to Watch the course preview by Laveena
The Living Your Design course introduces many topics along with the Human Design System as a whole.
On the other hand, Rave ABC focuses exclusively on three topics:
A – Conscious and unconscious activations (Personality & Design) – covered in the 1st Lesson & Class
B – Hexagram Structure: lines 1-6, their values and frequency, harmonies and resonances
C – Circuitry: three Circuit Groups and their keynotes
This course brings a personal understanding of one’s design. You will learn to see the bodygraph as a map of awareness and trace how energy flows through streams (circuits). You will also expand your vocabulary to communicate basic yet empowering keynotes to others about their own design. Keynoting is a delicate art of weaving together and unlocking the key aspects of a design. This is the beginning of the chart analysis process, which takes place on a deeper level in the subsequent Professional training.
With an emphasis on working with your own chart and sharing personal experiences, classes are conducted in a safe and warm atmosphere to facilitate breakthroughs in your personal processes. With examples and exercises being demonstrated on the charts of participants, you will then be able to apply and integrate your learnings into your every-day life.
Every individual activation (gate) has a potential to empower. When you function in alignment with your strategy and authority, individual activations bring change that results in you being more in your power. For example, a person with an activated gate 43 (Insight / Breakthrough, Ajna center) can empower oneself and others by their breakthrough insights that change the way of thinking about something.
Individuality is primarily oriented towards empowering itself and only secondarily towards empowering others.
Every Collective activation (gate) has a potential to share. For example, a person with an activated gate 18 (Correction / Work on that which has been spoilt, Splenic center) can share the awareness of what needs to be corrected, eg. provide constructive criticism on where there is a flaw in the pattern.
Collective energy is primarily oriented towards others and assumes that other will want to listen to what it has to say.
Every Tribal activation (gate) has a potential to support. For example, a person with an activated gate 19 (Wanting / Approach, Root center) can support others in getting what then need and in turn, be supported by them in getting their own needs met.
Tribal support is a two-way street and there can be a lot of “bad blood” if one supports but doesn’t get supported back.
For example, if you are predominantly Collective and want to share, but your partner is predominantly Individual and doesn’t want to listen to your sharing, as much as they are willing to empower you (or support you in case of Tribal predominance), knowing this dynamic can bring more acceptance and deepen your connection.
Knowing your predominant circuitry is very helpful in relating to others.
Study of lines and their values will open you up to a whole new dimension in understanding the Human Design. Each gate is an I-Ching hexagram and as such consists of 6 lines. The position of planets doesn’t activate the gate as a whole, but rather the gate in a particular line. This means that each line represents a specific expression of a gate. You can think about gate as a musical octave and line as individual tones.
On the right, you can see the main keynote for each line. For example, 1st line is all about Investigation. Any gate activated on its 1st line is actively investigating and studying its theme in order to find a secure foundation and become an authority on the subject.
Using gate 19 as an example (Wanting / Approach, Root center), person with 19.1 “Can investigate how best to get the support necessary to get what they need”.
We will cover two lines in a class (1+2, 3+4, 5+6) and you will have an opportunity to speak about your activations in them, keynoting your chart and getting real-time feedback from the teacher as you go on.
This is how you first begin reading a chart, which is personal, engaging, exciting and also a lot of fun.
1) Recorded Study Group: Circuitry Quiz + Q & A
2) Recorded Study Group: Deaf Channels
Once you are an ABC student of mine, you are invited to participate in future live study groups to deepen your awareness and connect with our human design community
Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation Foundation Reading with an IHDS certified Analyst
Required Materials:
Rave ABC Student Manual; recommended MMI Software Student Edition or paid version of
Enjoy online access to the class material you need to know!
Lessons are available for your learning pleasure
Live online classes begin 3x/year
See sign up Links below for current schedule
If what you’ve read so far inspires you,
you’re welcome to join the course.
Sign up to reserve your place.
For payment plans or more information, please contact us.
Completion of this program qualifies you to take the next foundation course in Human Design, Rave Cartography, if you want to qualify for any of the Professional level Human Design specialties.
Audit (Repeat) Pricing:
For students who have taken this already: 50% off the regular price
(reply to your paid receipt with the name of your teacher after you receive the discount using code AUDIT4U).
Laveena is beautifully gifted in her ability to guide energy, which helps her to reframe old thinking patterns that may be holding you back and inspire a renewed sense of inner truth. Ultimately, her guidance improves the lives her students and connects them to a wealth of resources that ensures steady progress. As my understanding of Human Design grows, I see just how much depth is required to be able to teach such a complex subject in layman's terms.
I would recommend Laveena as the first person to contact when beginning your experiment with Human Design. If she is unable to accommodate your needs, rest assured that someone in her network of certified professionals can.