Would you like to learn more about how Centers function healthfully Begin your Human Design educational journey here. Free introduction class below:
or not in your Human Design?
Ready to begin a Mystical Journey through the Mechanics of your Being?
Who you are is written in both pen and pencil.

Penned is your genetic imprint, the definition in your Human Design chart. Definition is how we map out the expression of your DNA.
That part of you written in pencil? That’s conditioning. Sometimes it’s not only hard to erase the layers and layers of deeply grooved lines carved into the paper…it’s impossible. Through Human Design, you come to see the beauty of the whole picture, as it is, and that there is nothing to do but be the perfection of you.
Your Strategy and Authority allows you to find true fulfillment – as the witness in the vehicle (body), watching the pencil lines morph to nourish and enhance the masterpiece that is you.

There is an incredible impact the Human Design language has when taken in deeply and contemplated over time.
Think of it like de-programming and re-programming to bring you back into alignment with your being.
This language helps to unlock our human potential via epigenetics, bringing to the surface of our awareness certain truths about ourselves.
Everything is moving, and everything is vibrating. We are all unique combinations of frequency patterns. When you are operating incorrectly, your frequency pattern is dysfunctional.
Human Design is a very precise combination of word frequencies given to and synthesized by Ra Uru Hu in a highly mystical way. Ra’s words can penetrate your form and initiate you into a new perspective for a Mystical experience in and of itself.
I hope to inspire you to explore your own Center characteristics by delivering a series of articles in the mystical yet practical language Ra gave us for Human Design.

In Human Design, “Centers” are what we call the geometric shapes located inside the Rave BodyGraph. Nine Centers are responsible for specific functions in our lives and are each associated with particular biological functions of our physical form.
Similar to, but not the same as, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra System, Human Design Centers are hubs of energy, where information is both received, emitted and transmuted.
Understanding the role and theme of each individual Center, as well as the signposts of how they function correctly or influence behaviors when they are operating incorrectly, can help you tremendously in living out your potential in this life.
Designed to take you on a journey of self-discovery through each of the Centers of the BodyGraph, our progressive exploration through the Centers will delve into the concepts and describe the key terminology associated with each.
I hope this series of articles with videos will give you not only an overview of how Centers function, but also a comprehensive look at key concepts that can help you understand their purpose and power. Each article will also contain further resources that can be of benefit to your journey of deconditioning and the awareness of what is really going on in your world.

You are welcome in our Facebook group for conversations and live study group webinars with optional webcam and group chat.
As we progress through the realms of the Human Design BodyGraph, I invite you to contemplate the Center we are highlighting. Consider its characteristics from your personal perspective.
If the center carries consistent definition in you, do you recognize this energy as a part of your true nature?

Is that top triangle colored in yellow at the top of your human design chart?
If the center is open or undefined, do you recognize your mind’s behavior in the commonly experienced “Not-Self” strategies?

Is that top triangle white at the top of your human design chart?
An open center in your BodyGraph is one of the primary receptors of “conditioning” – or outside influences taken into your being. This receptor impacts your mind’s decision-making process and creates what the Human Design System calls the Not-Self. The Not-Self leads you to make decisions based on strategies derived from the conditioning rather than your true self.
Conditioning is neither bad nor good – it simply is a fact of life you cannot avoid nor would you want to. Openness is where we live and learn about life, it shows us how we are nurtured by the world and where we are here to be flexible.
If you are unaware of the way you are deeply conditioned through your open centers, it can overwhelm who you are. It can take away the possibility of you living out your true potential.
However, when you are operating correctly, and your mind is no longer making your life’s decisions, open centers can be an incredible source of wisdom over time.
When you are not operating in alignment with your Human Design, you may experience resistance. Resistance shows up in the form of the Not-Self Theme according to your Type:
- Anger as a Manifestor
- Frustration as a Generator
(sometimes colored with anger for the Manifesting Generators) - Bitterness or even Resentment as a Projector
- Deep disappointment as a Reflector
Understanding your conditioning is the first step to leading a life as yourself.
Are you ready to understand why you are experiencing resistance, confusion and pain?
Are you ready to transform to embrace a life filled with peace, satisfaction, success and surprise (delight at the changes life brings) instead?
The video above gives a solid introduction to what Human Design is and what it can do for you. Leaning how to Live Your Design is an important first step in experimentation with the Human Design System. In my Foundational chart analysis we can uncover all the key elements of your Human Design chart, including where you are vulnerable to potential conditioning.

Laveena Lovick, Human Design Analyst, Teacher and BG5 Career & Business Consultant
Centers are the primary focus of the Living Your Design Awakening Program taught by Certified LYD Guides like myself around the globe. It is the only spiritual program in the Human Design Educational system designed for everyone who is interested in experiencing the benefits that Human Design can bring.
If you’re ready to get personal help in living your design, see the comprehensive database of over 400+ IHDS Certified Living Your Design Guides to find one who speaks your language. Ra recommended that you find a Guide that has the same Aura Type as you for this particular experience; are you ready to find a Guide you resonate with?
Whether you are on the path to self-knowledge or mastery of the Human Design System, I invite you to join me on this journey through the Centers of the Human Design BodyGraph. I welcome your interaction, comments and feedback on my Facebook Page – would you care to join in the conversation?
To begin one of the most important experiences in your life if you want to wake up to your true nature, Sign Up Now!
a version of this article originally published by JovianArchive.com as Andrea Abay-Abay. Republished with permission.