What is the Human Design System?
Images via JovianArchive.com, text by Laveena Archers, writer for Jovian Archive.
he Human Design System is not a belief system or a cult. There are no gods to worship, only the innate discovery of our own divinity. We study the archetypal patterns of the human experience through the symbolism visibly evident in the Mandala wheel. Anyone can learn to interpret a Human Design chart, but to unlock all the mysteries of your own takes a lifetime to unfold. Through many years of disciplined study and practice, you can begin to master the synthesis and witness the magic of your own design, or tell the captivating story of their design to your clients. Through the science of differentiation along with Epigenetics, we can awaken people to discovering the truth of who they are, so they can love themselves and their journey no matter what life brings their way.
The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences. These include esoteric and exoteric systems, a cosmic blend of fascinating disciplines of study that have proven to be a valuable tool for human understanding. Through learning about the intricate patterns displayed within the magic of your personal mandala, this logical, empirical system that offers you the opportunity to experiment with its mechanics and find out how well it works for you.
Once you start experimenting with the basics of this knowledge, you may experience changes in your perspective about yourself, your place in the world, and the world itself. Over time, experimentation combined with experience helps you discern what is correct for you. Through our correct decsion-making strategy, we learn what brings fulfillment into our lives.when we are living in alignment with our true nature, a lessening of resistance — in the form of anger, frustration, bitterness or disappointment — is a signpost that you’re on the right track. Each of us have a Spiritual Signature — peace, satisfaction, success or surprise—that shines forth as a testament to the validity of living our designs.
Using the Human Design System, you can discover what makes you different from everyone else alive on the planet today. A chart analysis by a Certified Analyst offers profoundly accurate insights into your psychology, along with strategies and techniques for making correct decisions. We invite you to experiment with this system which ultimately leads to a life of more ease, fulfillment and less resistance.