Famous Human Designs

How to Make Correct Decisions: Human Design System Splenic Authority

Human Design System Splenic Center Authority How to Make Correct Decisions: Human Design System Splenic Authority In this installment of our Authority article series, “How to Make Correct Decisions Using Your Human Design,” we delve into the realms of Splenic Authority. Approximately 10% of the people on this planet have the Splenic Center as their […]

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How to Make Correct Decisions: Human Design System Splenic Authority

Human Design System Splenic Center Authority How to Make Correct Decisions: Human Design System Splenic Authority In this installment of our Authority article series, “How to Make Correct Decisions Using Your Human Design,” we delve into the realms of Splenic Authority. Approximately 10% of the people on this planet have the Splenic Center as their

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How to Make Correct Decisions: Human Design System Sacral Center Authority

How to Make Correct Decisions Using Your Human Design Sacral Authority In part two of our Authority article series, “How to Make Correct Decisions Using Your Human Design,” we will discuss the nuances of Generators and the three kinds of Sacral Authority. In case you missed part one of this Human Design Authority article series: We

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The Human Design System DreamRave Design

What is your DreamRave Design? Image via JovianArchive.com Mine’s a Reflector Most likely, you are too, as almost 70% of humans are.  Notice in the above image that the Design of a dreamer is much simpler than your familiar Human Design Chart. The Head, Ajna, Ego and Solar Plexus centers are switched off when we sleep. So your

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Who was Human Design System founder, Ra Uru Hu?

My latest keynoting of Ra Uru Hu. View fullsize Photo via Ra’s official site: JovianArchive.com Will Instinctively Innovate and practically market the details of an empowering, competitive, creative new system  to initiate others into perfecting their form  using a penetrating awareness of higher principals,  unconsciously impacting with genius efficiency through the path of individuality,  the authoritative details of what he thinks  as an Independent Clarion  whose purpose is fulfilled through his mind’s message  that has

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Who was Human Design System founder, Ra Uru Hu?

My latest keynoting of Ra Uru Hu. View fullsize Photo via Ra’s official site: JovianArchive.com Will Instinctively Innovate and practically market the details of an empowering, competitive, creative new system  to initiate others into perfecting their form  using a penetrating awareness of higher principals,  unconsciously impacting with genius efficiency through the path of individuality,  the authoritative details of what he thinks  as an Independent Clarion  whose purpose is fulfilled through his mind’s message  that has

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Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders’ Human Design – Warrior of the “Wa”

Original Picture Credit – Michael Dwyer/AP An apparent underdog in the battle for the past U.S. presidency in which Donald Trump emerged the victor, Bernie Sanders was a competitor in the major fight for the Democratic nomination ahead. Sanders has a highly rare Human Design—that of a pure Ego Projector. Bernie Sanders is a United

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Why the Demise of Brangelina May Have Happened: A look with Human Design

Photo via MyBodygraph.com The Demise of Brangelina – Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s Human Design Connection chart “Jolie and Pitt married on August 23, 2014, at their estate Château Miraval in Correns, France. She subsequently took on the name “Jolie Pitt”. After two years of marriage, the couple separated in September 2016; in her divorce

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How Hillary Clinton Can Avoid Anger & Frustration

Hillary Clinton’s Human Design Foundation Reading. Photo of Hillary by Gauge Skidmore Hillary Clinton’s Human Design Reading If I was invited to advise Hillary Clinton on how to make decisions she trusts to avoid frustration and anger, this is what I would tell her… (provided this is her correct birth time 8:02am according to Astro.com).

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Barack Obama – our Projector President’s Human Design

Has Barack Obama Unlocked His Career Success Code? As you read this blog post, you’ll get an overview of some key elements of our 44th President of the United States’ Career Design. In this article, we’ll focus on highlighting six of Barack Obama’s critical business skills and what it means to his leadership style in

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Donald Trump: Our Next American President’s Design of Tribal Leadership

Human Design System Analysis: Donald Trump This morning we arose to the Heretical expression of the Left Angle Cross of Defiance in the transits; and Donald Trump is the President-Elect of the United States of America. I’m not surprised. When I compared what I knew of Donald’s design with what I knew of Hillary’s (I’ve

Donald Trump: Our Next American President’s Design of Tribal Leadership Read More »

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